Level up with Leanne: Celebrating the craziness that was 2023

As we approach the end of a bustling year, it's crucial to pause and reflect on the whirlwind journey of 2023. This year, more than ever, marked a full-throttle return to the frantic pace of the meetings and events industry post-pandemic. In the midst of our constant hustle, it's easy to overlook the importance of celebrating our achievements and reconnecting with our core motivations.

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Celebration isn't just about marking milestones; it's a vital component of our mental health and business growth. As someone who thrives on goal-setting and moving swiftly from one project to the next, I've learned the hard way that taking time to celebrate is not just a luxury – it's a necessity. As a self-confessed Type-A personality, slowing down to bask in the glow of a job well done was a foreign concept. Yet, embracing this has become essential in safeguarding my mental well-being and fostering sustainable success.

This year, let's collectively embrace the power of celebration. It’s not just about throwing a party; it’s about acknowledging our resilience, dedication, and the extraordinary ability to adapt in an ever-evolving industry. Celebrating helps us to recharge and gain a fresh perspective, allowing us to approach future challenges with renewed vigor and creativity.

Reflect and rejoice
In the hustle of meeting deadlines and exceeding client expectations, it's easy to lose sight of our "why." Celebrating allows us to reconnect with our initial motivations – why we chose this dynamic and fulfilling career path. It’s about appreciating the journey, the people we’ve met along the way, and the impact we’ve made.

Transitioning from the urge to jump into the next big thing to taking a moment to reflect on our accomplishments is a transformative experience. It's about honouring the wins, however small, and extracting valuable lessons from setbacks. This reflective practice not only enhances our professional journey but also enriches our personal growth.

Celebration ideas for the busy professional
Not sure how celebration can look for you? Been there, my friend. It doesn’t have to be a full-blown spa day (but it can be…); it can be celebrations in the micro-moments.

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  1. Create a victory log: Regularly jot down your successes throughout the year. Revisit this log to remind yourself of all the positive strides you’ve made.

  2. Self-care day: Dedicate a day to do what makes you happy and relaxed. Whether it's a spa day, a quiet hike, or simply reading a book, it's about doing something for yourself.

  3. Team appreciation: If you work with a team, organize a small gathering or an outing. It’s a great way to acknowledge the collective effort and strengthen bonds.

  4. Learning from setbacks: Organize a ‘Lessons Learned’ session, either solo or with your team. It's a powerful way to transform challenges into stepping stones for future success.

  5. Gratitude journaling: Start or end your day by writing down things you’re grateful for. It shifts the focus to positive aspects and achievements.

  6. Fridays off!: I’m taking Fridays off in December to help me dive into the holiday spirit.  I’m going to a craft market, having tea with a friend, and baking cookies… on a work day!

  7. Trinkets and tokens: Buy yourself a little something that reminds you of the successes you had this year.  One year I bought myself a ring that reads “Be fierce” - it was a reminder of all the setbacks and challenges I overcame that particular year.

Do me (and yourself) a favour, my friend?  As the holiday season approaches, take the opportunity to unwind, spend quality time with family and friends, and reflect on your professional journey. It's a time to gather strength, seek inspiration, and prepare for the exciting opportunities that await you in the New Year. Recognize your hard work, cherish your achievements, and learn from every experience.

Remember, it's not just about reaching the destination; it's about enjoying the journey.

To you and yours this holiday season,

Leanne Calderwood, CMP, is a branding and LinkedIn trainer for the meetings, events, and hospitality industry. She believes our industry is built on experiences, and that experience should start with our professionals. She serves hospitality professionals and teams through her online courses and consulting services to help guide #eventprofs out of the shadows and into the spotlight using their branding strengths and stories. When she’s not talking shop, you can find Leanne drinking tea, making jam, and gardening at her home in Kelowna, B.C. with her husband, two teenage sons, and her dog, Farls Barkley. You can learn more about Leanne over on her blog at www.leannecalderwood.com.


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