Level up with Leanne: organizing a business plan retreat

As professionals in the bustling meetings and events world, you undoubtedly understand the value of meticulous planning and strategic thinking. However, in the fast-paced nature of our industry, it’s easy to get so caught up in day-to-day operations that we forget to step back and take a broader view. That’s where the magic of a business plan retreat comes into play.

A business plan retreat is more than just a few days out of the office; it’s an opportunity to refocus, recharge and realign. It gives you space to reflect on your past year – the triumphs, the hurdles, the unexpected twists – and to use those experiences to inform your strategy for the upcoming year.

It's an incredible experience for solo entrepreneurs, but it's equally potent for small teams. Aligning your team on shared goals, strategies, and vision can foster unity, strengthen communication, and, ultimately, improve performance.

Imagine the advantages of being  in retreat mode, in a serene setting, free from the distractions of office chatter, phone calls and urgent emails. A retreat offers a chance for both quiet introspection and creative collaboration, which are fundamental in goal setting and strategic planning.

How do you get started?

The first step is to mark off a day (or a couple of days) in your calendar. Treat this day as sacred – no interruptions, no rescheduling.  Then decide on a location that sparks creativity and encourages focus. It could be a quiet hotel suite, a friend’s house when they’re away, or even a peaceful corner in a library. The key here is a change of scenery – new surroundings often inspire fresh perspectives.

Once you’ve decided on the date and place, the real work begins. But worry not, this is the exciting part.

  • Plan out your agenda.

  • Look back on the previous year.

  • Dissect your successes and challenges.

  • Outline your objectives for the upcoming year.

  • Don’t forget to pack the essentials: notepads, pens, sticky notes, a laptop, charging cables and, of course, snacks!

It's crucial that you disconnect from the digital world. Turn on your out-of-office notifications, and let your colleagues know you're unreachable. As professionals in the meetings and events industry, we understand that unplugging might feel daunting. But remember, this retreat is your time to recharge and refocus. It’s an investment in yourself and your business.

Your business plan retreat is not just about creating an action plan for your business. It's about reflecting on your role, reevaluating your "why," and considering changes that could enhance your work and personal life. Your retreat should also account for setting personal goals, such as reading certain books, pursuing health and fitness targets, or exploring volunteer opportunities. A holistic approach to your retreat will ensure both your business and personal life are aligned and moving forward together.

Conducting a business plan retreat may seem like a big commitment, especially considering the demanding nature of our industry. However, the potential benefits – clarity, direction, and renewed focus – make it a worthwhile investment.

To your success,

P.S. Need some retreat inspiration?  Download my Sample Business Plan Retreat Agendas, and create your unique experience!

P.P.S. Once you’ve had your retreat, I’d love to see your setup and hear about your experiences. Please share your retreat photos with our meetings community. We can all learn from and inspire each other as we continue to grow and adapt in this ever-evolving industry.

Leanne Calderwood, CMP, is a branding and LinkedIn trainer for the meetings, events, and hospitality industry. She believes our industry is built on experiences, and that experience should start with our professionals. She serves hospitality professionals and teams through her online courses and consulting services to help guide #eventprofs out of the shadows and into the spotlight using their branding strengths and stories. When she’s not talking shop, you can find Leanne drinking tea, making jam, and gardening at her home in Kelowna, B.C. with her husband, two teenage sons, and her dog, Farls Barkley. You can learn more about Leanne over on her blog at www.leannecalderwood.com.


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