Level up with Leanne: the power of recognition in the meetings and events industry

We’re all guilty of it my friends, we’re in a very busy industry.  After the whirlwind of planning and executing our events and client events, we often move on to the next project often leaving little room for reflection and recognition. Yet, pausing to acknowledge the hard work and achievements of our colleagues and peers is not just a nicety; it's a necessity for fostering a positive industry culture and enhancing our own personal brands.

Recognition in our industry is multi-dimensional. It's not just about applauding successful events or groundbreaking initiatives; it's about valuing the people behind these achievements. When we take the time to recognize our colleagues, we're acknowledging their skill, dedication, and the unique contributions they bring to our industry. This recognition goes beyond mere words of praise; it’s an affirmation of their professional identity and a validation of their efforts.

Why is recognition important?

In an industry where success is often measured by the tangible outcomes of events, recognition serves as a powerful motivator. Our roles in elevating the outcomes of our clients is often a thankless job. By recognizing one another, we boost morale, encourage teamwork, and foster a culture of excellence. By celebrating our peers, we inspire them to continue pushing boundaries and elevating the standards of our industry.

The benefits of recognition extend beyond the immediate feel-good factor. It helps in building lasting professional relationships. Acknowledging someone's hard work or innovative idea often leads to collaborations and opportunities. It opens doors to new connections and networks, which are invaluable in our industry.

Recognition also contributes to a learning culture. By highlighting the successes and innovative approaches of our peers, we are sharing knowledge and best practices. This not only elevates the individual but also enriches the entire industry, fostering an environment where learning and growth are integral to our professional journey.

Recognition is not a one-way street.

When we commend others, we also build our own brand. Recognizing others demonstrates our leadership qualities, our ability to see and appreciate quality, and our commitment to the industry's growth. It positions us as professionals who are not just focused on personal success but are invested in the collective success of our community.

How can we effectively recognize others?

It can be as simple as a shout-out in a team meeting, a congratulatory note, or a social media post applauding a colleague's achievement. Public recognition, such as awards and accolades, is also significant. These formal acknowledgments not only celebrate the individual but also set a benchmark for excellence within the industry.

My friends, taking the time out of our busy schedules to recognize our peers creates a positive ripple effect that enhances our professional relationships, builds our personal brand, and contributes to a culture of excellence and continuous learning. Let's take the time to celebrate the achievements of our colleagues and peers. After all, in recognizing others, we uplift the entire industry.

To your success,


P.S. Don't miss the opportunity to honour someone's hard work and innovation by nominating them for the CMEE Hall of Fame Awards. Nominating someone for these prestigious awards is not just about giving them a moment in the spotlight; it's about acknowledging their contribution to our vibrant industry and inspiring others to follow in their footsteps.  It's a beautiful way to say 'thank you' and 'we see you.'  Learn more about this year’s Hall of Fame nomination process.

Leanne Calderwood, CMP is a LinkedIn and personal branding trainer and speaker, and raging introvert.  She helps professionals “shine quietly” through her conference sessions, on-demand digital courses and small groups training.  Leanne was welcomed into CMEE’s Hall of Fame in 2023 as Industry Mentor.  You can connect further with Leanne via her blog at https://leannecalderwood.com or find her on LinkedIn!


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